Sunday, October 18, 2009

Science end of year exams

Your end of year exams are rapidly approaching, and hopefully you understand how important these are! 

As well as getting you used to the NCEA format of exams (that you WILL be sitting in year 11), your exam results help us determine which class you should go into next year. This is especially important for year 10's going into year 11 classes. 
If you are intending on doing any Science subject in year 12 or 13, the year 11 class you are in (Science A, B, or C) has a BIG impact on being eligible for the senior science subject you wish to enter. 

So you should be thinking about your exam preparation NOW. Many of you went along to Miss Daniel's extra revision clinics last year, and she is doing it again this year. 

By going along to these clinics, and ordering a exam revision booklet from her, you can make sure you are prepared for the week 7 exams. 

Please go and see Miss Daniel for more details of the exams, booklets, or next years classes. You can see her in her room, or email her:

Also parents feel free to contact me about the upcoming exams, or your child's progress. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

10D Energy and Machines end of topic test

Your test is Friday 11th September, period 1. 

You should know about: 
  • the advantages and disadvantages of using simple machines
  • how a lever works, and where the pivot, effort and load are
  • What an inclined plane is used for
  • How gears work, slow and fast gear arrangements, and gear ratios
  • What single and double pulleys are
  • Describe and label (forces) the different types of air machines
  • Know what energy is. the different forms, and the unit it is measured in
  • Be able to describe energy transformations
  • Be able to describe the energy conservation law
  • Know about how some energy is wasted as heat
If you want to do well, and put some extra study in: 
  1. Make sure your glossary is complete, and you can remember the definitions
  2. You have read / copied the 'main ideas' pages in the textbook
  3. You have worked through the 'test yourself' questions in the text book
  4. You have summarized the main success criteria on the comic handout
  5. You have worked through the practice test, and extra question sheet

Sunday, August 23, 2009

9L measurement test

Hi Guys, 

Your test for this topic will be on Thursday the 27th of August, and I will give you a summary sheet, and practice test on Tuesday in class (as Wednesday afternoon you dont have school). 

Heres what could be in the test: 
  • ·     Tell time and convert between analogue and digital time

    ·      24 hour clock

    o   Extension - time zone, season, calendar

    ·      Money

    ·      Use a table to solve problems with money

    ·      Temperature (Celsius scale)

    ·      Read scales

    ·      Estimate and measure lengths, choosing suitable units

    ·      Convert between m, cm, mm

    ·      Estimate length from scale drawings

    ·      Solve speed problems

    ·      Choose units for measuring weight, and convert between them (mg, g, Kg, tonnes)

    ·      Capacity problems

    o   Extension – mixed conversions

    ·      Calculate the area of squares, triangles, parallelograms, and compound shapes

    o   Extension – find areas using picks rule

    ·      Calculate real life area problems

    ·      Convert between m2 and hectares

    ·      Find perimeters of shapes

    ·      Choose appropriate volume units

    ·      Calculate the volumes of cuboids and prisms

    ·      Calculate real life volume problems

    ·      Change volume units to capacity units

    ·      Solve real life volume and capacity problems

Sunday, August 9, 2009

10D Ecology Assignment

DUE DATE: Friday the 21st August in class (period 4)

You can choose ONE of the following assignment options:

Create a magazine article for your favourite magazine, discussing the environmental issues involved in the combustion of fossil fuels, and possible solutions.

Create a poster about the ecology in the area surrounding Glenfield College, including the school grounds.

Choose an animal, and produce a poster about the adaptations the animal has, and how these allow it to survive in its habitat / niche.

Research a critically endangered animal. Discuss its habitat, the reasons that it is endangered, and ways that its population numbers might be increased. Produce a written report.

Produce a poster about a plant, explaining the adaptations the plant has, and how these allow it to survive in its habitat.

Debate the issue of Global warming… is there enough reliable evidence to support the theory, what arguments are each side making?  What is your opinion? You can present this assignment in any way.

Watch ‘The Lion King’ and produce a poster showing the food web shown in the movie, with appropriate labels.

Write an essay discussing the reasons for deforestation, and the impacts that it is having on our environment.

Explain decomposition, and discuss why it is so important. You can present this assignment in any way.

Create a model that explains the carbon cycle. Include discussion about how human’s activities can affect this cycle, and the effects of this impact.

Make a poster explaining the nitrogen cycle. Include discussion about how human’s activities can affect this cycle, and the effects of this impact.

Discuss the ecological impacts of introduced pests, such as the rat or gorse, to New Zealand. You can present this assignment in any way.

Marking schedule




The concept (underlined) is described.

Achieved PLUS

The concept is explained, and spelling and grammar is to a high standard.

Merit PLUS

The concept is discussed, and presentation is excellent.

  • Describe means to give an account, give details or characteristics
  • Explain means to give more detail to make an idea or concept clear. To say how, or why something happens
  • Discuss means to talk about a topic in detail taking into account different ideas or opinions, comparing and contrasting several ideas, or justifying something from evidence. 

Links to help with research

Monday, July 20, 2009

10D Science

Welcome to Miss Daniel's new class - 10D.
On this website you will find heaps of useful links, extra extension work, and assignment information. 

Thursday you have your Earth Science end of topic test. Make sure you review the glossary and Success Criteria, and do the Practice test that Miss Daniel has made for you. 

Here are some websites with information or games that you can also use to review for your test. 
Earth Science (wikipedia)